Saturday, February 29, 2020

Paleo Publishing A Cavemans Guide to Book Marketing

Paleo Publishing A Cavemans Guide to Book Marketing Paleo Publishing: A Caveman's Guide to Book Marketing We're often asked for our do’s and don’ts of indie book marketing. To be honest, it really isn’t all that complicated: the execution requires work and finesse, but the principles are simple. By now, EVERY AUTHOR should know the basic no-nos of marketing a book.  But there's one writer who we can forgive  for his ignorance...At the recent London Book Fair, we were introduced to the notorious Caveman Author. Recently unfrozen from a glacier in Alberta, Canada, he has since learned enough English to reveal that he was once the most popular writer of the Stone Age - the Stephen King of his era, so to speak, if King wrote about haunted beaver pelts instead of clown demons.We sat down for an interview and asked Caveman Author for his top 5 book marketing tips. Remember that his advice is from the Paleolithic era, so  follow it at your own risk.1. â€Å"CAVEMAN AUTHOR NOT WORRY ABOUT MARKETING†Reedsy: Thanks for speaking to us, Caveman Author. I guess we s hould start by talking about your overall book marketing philosophy...Caveman Author: CAVEMAN AUTHOR NOT WORRY MUCH ABOUT BOOK MARKETING. CAVEMAN HAS SAYING: WRITERS WRITE. CAVEMAN NOT  SALES-CAVEMAN. IF CAVEMAN WRITE GOOD BOOK - READERS WILL HEAR ABOUT IT AND WANT BUY IT.Reedsy: Buy your book? Did your society use some kind of currency? Amazon Ads for Authors: Two Case Studies Showing They Do Work Read post Caveman Author: CAVEMAN KNOW WHAT ADVERTISING IS.Reedsy: Really?Caveman Author: CAVEMAN ADVERTISED LAST BOOK. RELEASED BEFORE CLIMATE CATACLYSM KILL ALL CAVEMAN FRIENDS†¦Reedsy: Oh†¦ yeah. Sorry about that†¦Caveman Author: THAT OKAY. NOT YOUR FAULT†¦ FOR CAVEMAN LAST BOOK BEFORE BIG FREEZE, CAVEMAN PAY FOR BIG BILLBOARD CARVED ONTO BIG ROCK NEAR MAIN WATERING HOLE.Reedsy: Wow. Sounds like prime advertising real estate.Caveman Author: WAS NOT CHEAP. WON’T SAY HOW MUCH, BUT WILL TELL YOU: CAVE WAS LESS FULL OF CHICKENS THAT MONTH.Reedsy: Did the billboard work?Caveman Author: ER†¦ BRAND MARKETING EFFECTIVENESS VERY HARD TO TRACK. "Spend your entire budget on advertising" and other book marketing tips from a caveman author Reedsy: Tell me about it. These days, a lot of folks are getting great results from Facebook Advertising. It lets authors find audiences based on things like geography, age, gender, and interests. If you’ve got a mailing list, you can even use it to generate ‘lookalike’ audiences with creepy accuracy. And because you can test advert sets from as little as five dollars a day, there’s little downside to it.Caveman Author: YES... INTERESTING. AM THINKING†¦ MAYBE NEXT TIME, CAVEMAN GET BIGGER BILLBOARD.Reedsy: Thanks for speaking to us, Caveman Author. I think I’ve learned an awful lot. Best of luck getting used to the 21st Century.Caveman Author: BYE BYE!If you have any questions for the Caveman Author about his backlist or pre-historic book marketing practices,  leave it in the comments below. Or, simply follow him on Twitter  for more publishing tips.

Paleo Publishing A Cavemans Guide to Book Marketing

Paleo Publishing A Cavemans Guide to Book Marketing Paleo Publishing: A Caveman's Guide to Book Marketing We're often asked for our do’s and don’ts of indie book marketing. To be honest, it really isn’t all that complicated: the execution requires work and finesse, but the principles are simple. By now, EVERY AUTHOR should know the basic no-nos of marketing a book.  But there's one writer who we can forgive  for his ignorance...At the recent London Book Fair, we were introduced to the notorious Caveman Author. Recently unfrozen from a glacier in Alberta, Canada, he has since learned enough English to reveal that he was once the most popular writer of the Stone Age - the Stephen King of his era, so to speak, if King wrote about haunted beaver pelts instead of clown demons.We sat down for an interview and asked Caveman Author for his top 5 book marketing tips. Remember that his advice is from the Paleolithic era, so  follow it at your own risk.1. â€Å"CAVEMAN AUTHOR NOT WORRY ABOUT MARKETING†Reedsy: Thanks for speaking to us, Caveman Author. I guess we s hould start by talking about your overall book marketing philosophy...Caveman Author: CAVEMAN AUTHOR NOT WORRY MUCH ABOUT BOOK MARKETING. CAVEMAN HAS SAYING: WRITERS WRITE. CAVEMAN NOT  SALES-CAVEMAN. IF CAVEMAN WRITE GOOD BOOK - READERS WILL HEAR ABOUT IT AND WANT BUY IT.Reedsy: Buy your book? Did your society use some kind of currency? Amazon Ads for Authors: Two Case Studies Showing They Do Work Read post Caveman Author: CAVEMAN KNOW WHAT ADVERTISING IS.Reedsy: Really?Caveman Author: CAVEMAN ADVERTISED LAST BOOK. RELEASED BEFORE CLIMATE CATACLYSM KILL ALL CAVEMAN FRIENDS†¦Reedsy: Oh†¦ yeah. Sorry about that†¦Caveman Author: THAT OKAY. NOT YOUR FAULT†¦ FOR CAVEMAN LAST BOOK BEFORE BIG FREEZE, CAVEMAN PAY FOR BIG BILLBOARD CARVED ONTO BIG ROCK NEAR MAIN WATERING HOLE.Reedsy: Wow. Sounds like prime advertising real estate.Caveman Author: WAS NOT CHEAP. WON’T SAY HOW MUCH, BUT WILL TELL YOU: CAVE WAS LESS FULL OF CHICKENS THAT MONTH.Reedsy: Did the billboard work?Caveman Author: ER†¦ BRAND MARKETING EFFECTIVENESS VERY HARD TO TRACK. "Spend your entire budget on advertising" and other book marketing tips from a caveman author Reedsy: Tell me about it. These days, a lot of folks are getting great results from Facebook Advertising. It lets authors find audiences based on things like geography, age, gender, and interests. If you’ve got a mailing list, you can even use it to generate ‘lookalike’ audiences with creepy accuracy. And because you can test advert sets from as little as five dollars a day, there’s little downside to it.Caveman Author: YES... INTERESTING. AM THINKING†¦ MAYBE NEXT TIME, CAVEMAN GET BIGGER BILLBOARD.Reedsy: Thanks for speaking to us, Caveman Author. I think I’ve learned an awful lot. Best of luck getting used to the 21st Century.Caveman Author: BYE BYE!If you have any questions for the Caveman Author about his backlist or pre-historic book marketing practices,  leave it in the comments below. Or, simply follow him on Twitter  for more publishing tips.

Paleo Publishing A Cavemans Guide to Book Marketing

Paleo Publishing A Cavemans Guide to Book Marketing Paleo Publishing: A Caveman's Guide to Book Marketing We're often asked for our do’s and don’ts of indie book marketing. To be honest, it really isn’t all that complicated: the execution requires work and finesse, but the principles are simple. By now, EVERY AUTHOR should know the basic no-nos of marketing a book.  But there's one writer who we can forgive  for his ignorance...At the recent London Book Fair, we were introduced to the notorious Caveman Author. Recently unfrozen from a glacier in Alberta, Canada, he has since learned enough English to reveal that he was once the most popular writer of the Stone Age - the Stephen King of his era, so to speak, if King wrote about haunted beaver pelts instead of clown demons.We sat down for an interview and asked Caveman Author for his top 5 book marketing tips. Remember that his advice is from the Paleolithic era, so  follow it at your own risk.1. â€Å"CAVEMAN AUTHOR NOT WORRY ABOUT MARKETING†Reedsy: Thanks for speaking to us, Caveman Author. I guess we s hould start by talking about your overall book marketing philosophy...Caveman Author: CAVEMAN AUTHOR NOT WORRY MUCH ABOUT BOOK MARKETING. CAVEMAN HAS SAYING: WRITERS WRITE. CAVEMAN NOT  SALES-CAVEMAN. IF CAVEMAN WRITE GOOD BOOK - READERS WILL HEAR ABOUT IT AND WANT BUY IT.Reedsy: Buy your book? Did your society use some kind of currency? Amazon Ads for Authors: Two Case Studies Showing They Do Work Read post Caveman Author: CAVEMAN KNOW WHAT ADVERTISING IS.Reedsy: Really?Caveman Author: CAVEMAN ADVERTISED LAST BOOK. RELEASED BEFORE CLIMATE CATACLYSM KILL ALL CAVEMAN FRIENDS†¦Reedsy: Oh†¦ yeah. Sorry about that†¦Caveman Author: THAT OKAY. NOT YOUR FAULT†¦ FOR CAVEMAN LAST BOOK BEFORE BIG FREEZE, CAVEMAN PAY FOR BIG BILLBOARD CARVED ONTO BIG ROCK NEAR MAIN WATERING HOLE.Reedsy: Wow. Sounds like prime advertising real estate.Caveman Author: WAS NOT CHEAP. WON’T SAY HOW MUCH, BUT WILL TELL YOU: CAVE WAS LESS FULL OF CHICKENS THAT MONTH.Reedsy: Did the billboard work?Caveman Author: ER†¦ BRAND MARKETING EFFECTIVENESS VERY HARD TO TRACK. "Spend your entire budget on advertising" and other book marketing tips from a caveman author Reedsy: Tell me about it. These days, a lot of folks are getting great results from Facebook Advertising. It lets authors find audiences based on things like geography, age, gender, and interests. If you’ve got a mailing list, you can even use it to generate ‘lookalike’ audiences with creepy accuracy. And because you can test advert sets from as little as five dollars a day, there’s little downside to it.Caveman Author: YES... INTERESTING. AM THINKING†¦ MAYBE NEXT TIME, CAVEMAN GET BIGGER BILLBOARD.Reedsy: Thanks for speaking to us, Caveman Author. I think I’ve learned an awful lot. Best of luck getting used to the 21st Century.Caveman Author: BYE BYE!If you have any questions for the Caveman Author about his backlist or pre-historic book marketing practices,  leave it in the comments below. Or, simply follow him on Twitter  for more publishing tips.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Final english Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Final english - Essay Example More importantly, governments are also providing incentives and tax waives to people who buy hybrid cars in order to encourage the manufacturers in their efforts to manufacture energy efficient automobile engines. Different automobile engines have evolved with time. However, the most common are the 4 cylinder inline engine, v6, v8, and hybrid engines. This paper discusses the different automobile engines whilst comparing their technology, efficiency, environmental friendliness, and the challenges faced while developing engines that are more efficient. Additionally, the paper will discuss the advantages of hybrid cars with much reference to Toyota Prius. 4 Cylinder (V4) Inline Engines Perhaps 4 cylinder inline engines are the most commonly used engines today. However, the technology for this type of engine has revolutionized for decades. Many improvements have been made on the engines to make them efficient, more powerful, and compact and environmental friendly. Technologically, the 4 cylinder inline engine has all the four cylinders arranged in a straight line with all the four pistons being used to drive a common crankshaft. In most cars, the piston displacement goes up to 2.4 liters. However, diesel powered 4 cylinder inline engines have most often gone beyond 3.0 liters displacement. Notably, a series of modifications have been made on this type of engine. Whereas most of earlier versions used carburetor, modern cars use complicated electrical systems such as the VVTi systems (â€Å"U.S department of Energy†). Indeed, most modern cars produced in the last ten years have a computerized system otherwise referred to as engine management systems for controlling fuel and air into the engine. Considering the widespread use of4 cylinder inline engines, it is safe to conclude that these are the most efficient automobile engines so far especially considering the widespread use of gasoline and diesel as the propellant (â€Å"U.S department of Energy†). V 6 Engines V6 engines are indeed the second most commonly used engines in automobiles. The v6 engine comprises of 6 cylinders with 6 pistons driving a common crankshaft. However, the 6 cylinders are not often placed in one straight line. Actually, three cylinders are put on either side making a v shape with the crankshaft. Most of these engines are either configured at 60 degrees or 90 degrees. However, the 60 degree orientation is arguably the most efficient and provides less engine vibration as well. However, it is important to note that most v6 engines are most commonly used in medium sized cars especially most of the lower end sports utility vehicles (SUVs). However, in line with the need for energy conservation, v6 engines have undergone tremendous improvements. For instance, the inline 6cylinder engines are no longer being manufactured. The piston angle has also been factored in many model manufacturing. For instance, some of the modern cars using v6 engines are either turbocha rged or use super chargers to improve fuel efficiency and produce more torque. Simply put, turbo chargers are systems that compress and sometimes preheat air and force it into combustion chambers at high pressure hence generating more energy (â€Å"U.S department of Energy†). V8 engines V8 engines have eight cylinders with four cylinders on each side. All the eight cylinders drive the same

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Causation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Causation - Essay Example For instance, in Empire Jamaica (1955),2 the owners sent a vessel out to sea, and it crashed because the pilot fell asleep. The only negligence that the owners were guilty of were that the officers did not have their licenses. But this had nothing to do with the crash, so, even though there was a negligent act, it was not the cause of the damages. Similarly, in Christopher Andrews v. Barnett Waddingham LLP and RAJ Waddingham3 there was insufficient causation between the negligence of the financial advisors and the loss that was suffered by the claimant. Moreover, there is a general rule in English law that there are certain acts that would break the chain of causation. For instance, the acts of a third party are likely to break the chain of causation.4 This often when the defendant does not have control over the third party's actions, but, if the actions of the third party are foreseeable by the defendant in any way, the chain of causation is not broken.5 While these are torts cases, there are criminal cases as well, and these criminal cases define the boundaries and the contours of causation in the criminal courts. In criminal law, there must be an action (actus reus) combined with the state of mind (mens rea), and the actus reus plus the mens rea must have caused the actual crime.6 Moreover, there might be instances where there is a supervening or intervening cause that would break the chain of causation.7 There are exceptions to this, of course. For instance, there might be a case where somebody does great bodily damage to somebody else, but does not do enough damage to kill the person. But, the person might be a Jehovah's Witness and refuses a blood transfusion. If the transfusion was received, then that person would have lived. The defendant would still be guilty of manslaughter or murder, because of what is known as the ?hin skull rule- this means, generally, that you take the victim as you find him or her.8 At the same time, there are times when an omiss ion might give rise to criminal liability, such that a crime can be heightened if the person does nothing for somebody who was damaged by the criminal defendant.9 For instance, if somebody beats somebody up, and doesn't get medical attention for the person, and the person dies, then that person is guilty of murder or manslaughter.10 Likewise, there is also an issue regarding intervening causation.11 One of the leading cases for this is R v. Cheshire.12 In R v. Cheshire, the appellant attacked and shot a man in a fish and chip shop, and he underwent surgery. When he was in surgery there was a negligent act, in which the doctor could not diagnose the reason why the patient died. The doctor misdiagnosed the reason behind the patient's breathlessness and respiratory obstruction. However, it was found that the only way that the causation would be broken would be if the medical staff was reckless, not merely negligent. Therefore, the defendant in this case was found to be liable for the d eath, because he put the causation into motion with his battery in the first place.13 That said, there can also be a case where the negligence of a third party would break the chain of causation, such that the defendant who put the act into motion would not be negligent for the